Encouraging Church Members to Participate in Tithing: Strategies for Success
April 5, 2024
Encouraging Church Members to Participate in Tithing

As a mobile donation platform dedicated to simplifying the process of giving, we at Txt2Give understand the importance of fostering a culture of generosity within churches. Tithing is not just a financial transaction; it’s an act of faith and a demonstration of commitment to the mission and vision of the church. However, we also recognize that encouraging church members to participate in tithing can sometimes be challenging. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of effective strategies to inspire and motivate your congregation to embrace the spirit of giving. 

  • Educate on the Biblical Principle of Tithing: Many church members may not fully understand the biblical concept of tithing. Take the time to teach and preach on the scriptural foundation of giving. Highlight passages such as Malachi 3:10, where God promises to pour out blessings when we bring our tithes into the storehouse. When people understand the spiritual significance of tithing, they are more likely to participate willingly. 


  • Lead by Example: Church leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for giving within the congregation. Demonstrate your commitment to tithing by openly sharing your own giving journey and testimonies of how God has blessed you through faithful giving. When members see their pastors and leaders actively participating in tithing, it inspires trust and confidence in the process. 


  • Emphasize the Impact of Giving: Show church members the tangible impact of their contributions. Share stories of how tithes and offerings have been used to support missions, fund community outreach programs, or meet the needs of those within the congregation. When people see the fruit of their giving, they feel a deeper sense of connection and purpose. 
  • Provide Convenient Giving Options: Make it easy for church members to give by offering multiple donation methods, including online giving platforms like Txt2Give. With our mobile donation platform, members can give anytime, anywhere, using their smartphones. The simplicity and convenience of this technology remove barriers to giving and encourage greater participation. 


  • Communicate Regularly About Giving: Keep giving at the forefront of church communication efforts. Incorporate giving reminders into sermons, newsletters, and social media posts. Use these platforms to share updates on giving goals, progress towards financial targets, and upcoming opportunities for generosity. Consistent communication helps to reinforce the importance of tithing in the minds of church members. 


  • Celebrate Generosity: Acknowledge and celebrate the generosity of your congregation regularly. Recognize individuals or families who have made significant contributions, whether financially or through acts of service. Consider hosting special events or services dedicated to giving and stewardship, where members can come together to worship God through their generosity. 
  • Offer Financial Education and Stewardship Training: Some church members may struggle with financial literacy or budgeting skills, which can impact their ability to tithe faithfully. Provide resources and workshops on financial management, budgeting, and debt reduction to empower individuals to steward their finances well. When people feel confident in their ability to manage money, they are more likely to prioritize giving. 


  • Pray for a Generous Heart: Ultimately, the decision to tithe is a matter of the heart. Encourage your congregation to pray for a spirit of generosity and to seek God’s guidance in their giving. Ask for God’s provision and blessing over the church’s financial needs, trusting that He will faithfully provide for those who give with cheerful hearts. 

Encouraging church members to participate in tithing requires intentionality, education, and a focus on cultivating a culture of generosity. By teaching on the biblical principles of giving, leading by example, emphasizing impact, providing convenient giving options, communicating regularly, celebrating generosity, offering financial education, and praying for a generous heart, churches can inspire greater participation in tithing and advance the Kingdom of God. Together, let’s steward our resources faithfully and honor God with our giving. 

Some additional reading...

5 Biblical Principals to help cultivate a culture of regular giving
5 Biblical Principals to Help Cultivate a Culture of Regular Giving

In nurturing a culture of regular giving within your congregation, it’s crucial to anchor your approach in biblical principles. Let’s explore five 5 Biblical Principals to help cultivate a culture of regular giving, to guide your efforts.

Picture of Gary Armstrong
Gary Armstrong
Gary is the Customer Hero at Txt2Give, always working to give our customers the assistance and the tools they need to be successful. He loves music and can talk about it for days - so don't get him started!