Let’s face it: keeping up with the latest and greatest trends on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram could be a full time job… time that most of us don’t have!
While posting according to what is currently trending can be fun and draw a few likes, having a thoughtful and predetermined strategy that operates independently of social media trends is a great way to diversify your engagement with followers and provide consistent content that gets your organization and brand in front of your followers.
Before we jump into the full list of fun holiday social media ideas for 2024, it’s important for organizations, businesses, and nonprofits to consider some basic social media tactics (but if you can’t help but skip ahead to the full list, there’s no shame in that!).
When engaging your audience, you’ll want to post a few times per week. One can be a fun post, and the other can be a more direct post. When you can, try to incorporate a question in the post. Maybe for a fun post, it’s something like the meme below with a question of “Can anyone else relate?!” as your caption.
Adding a question will encourage a donor to engage with your post with either a comment or like, which the social media platforms love. They actually use that engagement as a tool on how much they show your page to viewers in the future.
A fun post can be something like these examples:
Direct posts should include things like:
When choosing the strategy of being direct and straightforward with your social media post, be specific on what you need and make it easy for them to respond, collaborate, give, or volunteer right there on the spot.
And finally, remember to thank your donors, followers, and supporters! Make sure that they know that you value them and appreciate their support.